Thursday 28 March 2013

Good Goodbyes

I should mention and reiterate after my rant at Japanese culture the other week that there are some amazing things about Japan and Japanese people. I've had some very fond goodbyes from teachers, students and friends in the last few days. I have been given presents, flowers and dinner. On leaving my each of my three schools for the last days I received a round of applause from all the teachers. But most impressively, I have received HUNDREDS of goodbye notes and letters from my students. The general consensus is that they have enjoyed my lessons and that I made learning English fun and easy. It is one thing to get complements from the teachers but when its from the students I feel I have something truly to be proud of. I must have high-fived 95% of the students in one school goodbye as they all left on the last day. I know I've only been here a year, but hopefully I have made an impact on some peoples lives.

I, however, am crap at goodbyes. Especially when I might not see that person again. I have not idea how to end it. So here is a picture of me and some teachers:

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