Sunday 29 April 2012

Whole Again

Maki has finally arrived! I picked her up from the airport yesterday and it's felt like forever since we've seen each other. It's a good feeling, but also a very strange one as it's hard to connect this life and my life in London. It's like she's been cut and paste into my life here, my two worlds have collided, making it all seem evermore more real. Maki is adjusting to life here too and I know she feels like she's just here on Holiday, as I did when I first arrive. It's good to have her here though and I think she'll be welcome of the break from all the stress of organisation before leaving (Thanks to all those who helped her out). Although she's currently as I'm typing stressed about what rubbish goes in which bin, cursing the confusing Japanese recycling system. Welcome home honey. But we have stuffed our selves with wonderful Japanese food today, so there are ups and there are downs.  

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