Friday 26 April 2013

Vietnam and Cambodia - Strange Fruit

One thing is for sure that South-East Asia has some of the strangest looking fruit on the planet; be it the ones you know like dragon fruit, star fruit papaya, mangos and pineapples, to the oddities of some smelly and uncommon items.

Durian fruit (Or Sau Rieng) is one of the smelliest foods on the planet and it something akin to rotting flesh. It smells so bad that hotels ban you taking it inside and is considered some what of a delicacy. I had wanted to try it since I travelled through Malaysia, almost 11 years ago (Am I really that old now?!), so I decided to take the plunge. I wish I hadn't, as the taste is as bad as the smell and I couldn't even swallow it.

I have no idea what this fruit was called, but the inside resembled a sweet lichee. Quite pleasant for a fruit.

Looking half-way between an artichoke and an armed large berry (On the right of the photo), little clue is given to the sweetness inside, other than the give-way name of 'Custard Apple'.

And there were many more besides, including Polemo, Star Apples, Rambutan, Longan and Jackfruit.  Not really a fruit, but we also tried Lotus seeds. Check out the video to see how to eat:

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