Sunday 5 August 2012

Okinawa - Sun, Storms and Food

Arrived in Okinawa to bad weather as we got the tail end of a typhoon. We'd planned to take some time to spend by the beach, but as it was raining, did some shopping in Naha city.  However, another typhoon has approached meaning we have a morning of glorious sun before it rains again for about a week. Have a look at the before and after shots.

On the plus side, the food is amazing.  I've been craving for Rafute (Okinawan pork belly, slow cooked in Awamori and covered in Miso paste) and Umibudo (Sea-grapes.  A type of seaweed that tastes of the sea) for ages.  Also Maki's parents mango are amazing.  So sweet and juicy. 

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