Wednesday 29 August 2012

Newspaper Articles

A couple of you might remember from my earlier posts a message about my mug-shot and all my information appearing in the local newspaper. Since then I've been writing an article each month for this newspaper about little snippet of my month and what it's like as a foreigner in Japan. Sometimes it's fun to write and sometimes it a chore, but I always try and end up with some kind of moral, mostly that you should study English and don't give up (The irony of my recents annoyances has been noted). It is a sugar coated reality but if any of you are interested, we've now found out they put the newspaper online for the whole World to view. If you want to have a look please ask me for the link or check my Facebook group 'Our Man In Japan' (I don't want to link from my blog, sorry) and click of the cover page to get a PDF. I'm usually nearer the back and it's in English and Japanese.

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