Friday 24 August 2012

Annoyances – Part 3 – The Heat

I'm sorry, last one. I know I've mentioned about the heat already, but up until recently, I think I've been dealing with it well. It's more the constant and relentless heat. Everyday is so uncomfortably hot. Maki thinks I had a kind of heat stroke that you get over a period of days while we were in Okinawa. And it's actually hotter in Okayama as the mountains keep the heat in and the wind out. Here are my top 5 things for you to know when it's really hot:

  • You only need the cold tap for a shower.
  • You sweat sat in the shade.
  • You make that noise like when you take that first sip of tea, “oooow”, when you go into somewhere with air-con.
  • You get excited about a cloudy day.
  • You get sunburn with a factor 50+ suntan lotion.  

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