“Hello.” Giggles from the girls. “How are you?” “Huh?”
“How are you?” “何て言いましたか?(What
did he says?)” “げんきですか?(How
are you?)” “Oh, I'm fine.” “And how are you?” “I'm
cold!” “Me too, and I'm hungry. Do you like curry and
rice?” “Huh?” Giggles from the girls. “Do you like curry
and rice?” “Oh, Yes!”
are you from?)” “What? Where am I from?” Student nods. “You
don't know?!?! Why don't you know?” Gesturing to all the
students. “I'm from Japan!” Confused looks. “Only joking,
I'm from England.” Students laugh. “イギリスはどこですか?(Where
is England?)” “Excuse me! You don't know where England is?”
Other students shrug. “I had a map on the English wall all
November!” Blank faces. “Europe, France, North.” I say,
gesturing the location in the air. They still look confused. One
boy pulls out his geography book. "Spain?" “What? No
England. More north.” “Sweden?” “West.” “Norway?”
“WEST!” Giggles from the girls. I point on the book. “Here.”
“No, that's Ireland.
Here” “Oh, England!” “You really didn't know?” “No.”
“Do you know the UK and England aren't the same?” “Not the
same?” “No.イギリスは一つの国。England
is one country. UKは四つの国。The
UK is 4 countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.”
“Eh?” “I explained this in my self introduction!” Sigh.
“Ah, you have the British flag on your pencil case.” I gesture.
“Yes.” “イギリス(England?)”
“No, thats the flag of (I pause to think that they won't
understand the Britain) the UK.” The don't look interested, so I
move on...
did you do at the weekend?” “???” “What, did you, do at the
weekend?” “Weekend?” “しゅうまつ(Weekend).”
he wants to know what we did at the weekend).” “Yes.”
“TV-games.” “You mean you played computer games?”
“TV-games.” “Computer games! What computer games?” He said
something I didn't know. “I like Mario Kart!” “What did you
do on the weekend?” “Eh?” “What, did you, do at the
weekend?” “Weekend?” “しゅうまつ(Weekend).”
“Oh. Study.” “What did you study” “Math.” “Not
English?” “No.”
you like curry and rice?” I say gesturing to a boy who has gone
back for more curry and rice. “50-50.” “50-50? Ah, you
mean so-so.” “Yes, so-so.” “Are you hungry?” “No.”
“But why do you have so much?” “Huh?” “But why do you
have so much?” “Strong!” “You want to be strong?” The boy
nods taking another mouth full pulling a face of dislike. The other
students laugh.
you understand Japanese?” “No, I don't” They didn't seem to
click this was a joke as I've been responding to everything they're
saying in Japanese. Sigh. Nobody understands me...
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