Monday 22 October 2012

How I met God!

Lunch with the Junior High School is always hit and miss depending on who I end up sat with. Some students revel in the opportunity to have a one-on-one with me, to test there English or ask me odd and personal questions. Others resent having to sit with their teacher, for fear their peers might consider them 'square' and give me a stoney-faced silence. The other day was interesting. I was having a lively conversation with the class clown about why I wasn't going to give him my pudding, when the girl next to said in perfect English “I am God!” I was a little taken back, I must admit. It certainly wasn't expecting that. I thought I'd misheard. “What?” I said. She repeated “I am God!” She looked calm and honest, not like someone saying something for a joke. Was she really God?!? Had God returned to Earth for the second coming as a small Japanese school girl!!?! I said “You are God?” “Yes,” she replied. It was clear but I was still confused. “God” I said pointing to the sky to confirm she understood what God meant. “Yes”, she said, “I am God”. “No you're not.” I returned, testing her will. “Yes, I am,” she calmly replied. “I am God!” I was getting no where. I asked her “Why?” She said “My name is God”. The answer I'm afraid is a little mundane in comparison the all might returning to Earth an announcing him/herself to me during lunch. Her name in Japanese is Kami. This means god.

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