Thursday 26 July 2012

Right Between the Eyes

Those of you who have been following the blog might remember my metaphor for the heat here being like someone wrapping a warm blanket around you. I would like to amend this. Exiting our local Marui (Supermarket), a wonderfully air-conditioned space; the heat, in Maki's words, “Punched us in the face”. I'm not kidding. 34 degrees with 96% humidity. You feel the air and have to push and cut your way through it. And while a lot of stuff on my blog is looking at the funny side of 'Our Man in Japan', this isn't a laughing matter. 4 people died in Japan, today alone from the heat.

Even sitting doing nothing, you can feel the beads of sweat pushing their way out your skin. I can't stop leaking! Today I played basketball with the locals and after 5 minutes, I looked like I had a bath! Not one square inch of me or my clothes was dry. I'm not looking forward to the 38 degrees everyone keeps telling me about!

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