Friday 29 June 2012


It just started to get hot, really hot. I thought I was doing so well. Everyone was saying “It's hot” and I was like “What? It's fine” and I kept telling myself, maybe I've just got used to the heat and what everyone was telling me about “Yeah, it's so hot in Japan in the summer. It gets so humid” was just over reacting. But it wasn't. I'm melting. And the worst part, summer has only just started. It's only going to get hotter.

As an English person, I'm not used to seeing that fiery ball in the sky (And from what I heard from friends back home, it hasn't been making any kind of an appearance yet). I feel like a vampire when I step into the direct sunlight. My skin seems to burn on contact and I fearful one day I might spontaneously combust, only leaving a pile of gaijin ashes. I feel like I must adapt to survive. Watch this space...  

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