Sunday 3 June 2012

LED Bugs and Big Drums

Shoo keeps still keeps surprising me. The other night, me and Maki went for a walk to see if there were any fireflies out yet and was pleasantly surprised to see some only minutes from my home. It's amazing how much light these little bugs can kick out and is comparable to a strong LED. While walking back home we heard some taiko drums in the distance. Curious, we decided to investigate. We found the 勝央金時太鼓 (Shoo Taiko-club) practising in local concert hall (Which is surprising big and grand for such a small town!) for an upcoming event. They kindly invited us in and treated us to an exclusive performance just of the two of us. It was nothing sort of awesome. You can easily get drawn into the beat and rhyme and there is something very captivating about the intensity of the drums. They also took the time to give us a crash-course in how to play the drums, which we thoroughly enjoyed and hopefully I can make time to continue and learn some more while I'm here.  

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