Sunday, 22 April 2012

Stuff that wouldn't happen in England

Leaving my laptop on my desk and it still being there when I come back.

Getting school kids to clean the school at the end of the day.

Me putting a large poster about London in the school hallway with a picture of myself on it and no one drawing on a moustache (Although it's still early days).

Getting people to not only separate all their recycling, but to allow only certain types of recycling rubbish once a week and make people to take their rubbish to a centre place away from their homes.

Getting schools kids to fetch their food from the canteen, serve it out and clean it all aways afterwards with no throwing of food, leaving of plates and without apparently moaning!

Getting students to eat the healthy food they have carried and served without sneeking in chocolates or crisps.

Having different shoes for inside, outside, the gym and the toilet, and getting everyone to use them.

Saying “Ok, ok, ok.” When you've really no idea what I'm tell you! Grrrr!

Allowing very small children to make there way by themselves to and from school.


  1. I totally forgot about those things but we do that! and I am proud. You'll encounter more of those things.
