Monday, 2 April 2012

Dance is Timemachine

It's not fun being illiterate and I intend to learn as much Japanese as fast as I possibly can (Although I still will need to prepare for lessons and all the other things my day to day life entails). But when you live in Japan as a westerner, your eyes are drawn to any English text in the hope that you can make sense of something. The Japanese normally only use English text so it looks cool and 90 percent of the time its serious weird and/or funny. I have already seen an 'Excellent Book Store', a bin marked 'Others' with no other bin around it and my favourite below, Dance is Timemachine! It says it all really.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John !! It is fun that you keep this block. I like to follow you journey there.

    have a nice day!
