Monday 19 November 2012

Kyoto Coloured Leaf Hunting - 京都 紅葉狩り

Kyoto is a great place to go for sightseeing as you cant throw a stone in the city without hitting a beautiful temple, shrine or Japanese garden. But in autumn, the scenery takes on a whole new level, thanks to the Japanese Maple and Ginko trees which burst into vibrant red and yellow. The colours are so bright it almost looks artificial and the photos really don't do it justice.


The weather was not on our side and we were rained on almost the whole time we were there, but that didn't stop us. Nor did the fact my shoes weren't as waterproof as I had original though. I have been to a lot of places in my life, but I was genuinely awestruck at how beautiful it was.  A big thank you to my patient wife who did not complain at her having to constantly wait for me to take over 900 photos throughout the day.

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