Sunday 13 May 2012

Golden Week

Golden Week in Japan is a national holiday, that doesn't actually run a week. It's a week where you have 2-3 national holiday days. I would have like to plan something special, but I've been so busy we had to just plan as we went along. But I've had a really good time as it gave me time to spend with Maki. Japanese people get very excited about Golden Week as they don't really get much time off, although some use it to finish jobs they wouldn't normally have time to do.

We got a change to drive up to Hiruzen, an area of 3 large mountains with some great views; as well as visit the local farmers market here in Shoo and take a trip to Yubara onsen and a very pretty waterfall with some Interac ALTs I've met locally. More posts to come on those soon.

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