Monday, 13 May 2013

British Difficulties

  • Drama: In Japan, people don't really talk about the bad stuff to try and avoid any conflicting issues and TV is all Happy-Happy, everything is ok. But in the UK, drama is all-in-compassing and in your face. I'm not used to this gritty reality and to watch an episode of Eastenders is like all the 'Saw' movies rammed into a thirty minutes segment. I can't handle the drama!
  • Safety: Japan is one of the safest places on the planet. Being back here made me really on edge. Be it hoodies, broken car windows near my house or intimidating groups of thuggish looking times, Britain in comparison to Japan looks like you need armed guards. Only yesterday I was walking down Oxford street when a man came out of a side street chasing another man shouting “Stop that man, he's got my phone.” I managed to wrestle the offender to a standstill and we retrieved the mans phone, but what shocked me even more was that I was the only one to jump to the mans aid!
  • Work Ethic: I'm sorry, but there are a lot of lazy Brits who will do as little as they can to get paid or live. It isn't everyone, but enough to make life that bit more challenging, be it the bank manager who stuffed up changing my address so my card wouldn't work, the estate agent who tried to blame someone else for her shabby job or the women who I spoke to on the phone from BT who was no help. Come on Britain, get off your arse!

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