Monday, 5 November 2012


One of my elementary schools (Primary school) had an 'event' last week. You see, they do Sumo as part of their P.E. Lessons, which I think is great, keeping the Japanese tradition alive. But there is something special about their Sumo ring. It's not a 'ring' at all, it's square. Now, I'm probably like you and thinking “So what John, big whoop.” But, this is the ONLY one that is square in Japan, or for that matter, the World's. It's such a big deal that news crews from every major channel in Japan turned up to film the small children battling it out on this square Sumo-Dohyo. I almost got an interview by NHK (Japanese version of the BBC) but they ran out of time and had to dash of to another story. However, I could be seen in the background on some reports. It was fun to watch the kids wrestle and let's face it, an easy day at the office.

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