Monday 26 March 2012

I think it's sinking in now!

Well here I am, in Japan, Nagoya to be precise. And I've now had a day to try and get my barrings and body clock set right. But even though I've been here a day now, its really only just sinking in what I've really undertaken. It starting sinking in around the time I got to Shanghai actually. Being placed in an airport where no one speaks English helped to hit it home. There were issues with where I was meant to be going and I already found myself lost in translation. However, I made it here ok, locating my connecting flight, filling out the various entry forms at the airport, navigating the trains and dispensing myself at the hotel for a hot shower and a long sleep, without any major issues, so I must be doing something right.

Shanghai Airport (I'm so tired and dazed, I'm not sure if it's sunrise or sunset!)

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